Updated April 2024
1. This movement process meets the reporting requirements:
of Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 (as implemented in England by The Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006 (WATEO) and in Wales by The Welfare of Animals (Transport) (Wales) Order 2007 (WATWO)).
· of the Pigs (Records, Identification and Movement) Order 2011 (England and Wales);
· of the Disease Control (England and Wales) Order 2003 (as amended) (DCO).
2. We will use all the information submitted to us, including any information provided voluntarily in the boxes not marked bold, for disease control purposes. Such voluntary information will not be kept for WATEO/WATWO related enforcement. However, WATEO/WATWO requires transporters to:
· carry this information (in any format);
· make it available to an inspector on demand; and
· keep it for six months after the journey.
If a transporter chooses to keep the animal transport certificate information on a Haulier Summary, then the transporter should make the Haulier Summary available to the Inspector and a copy may be taken for enforcement purposes.
3. By completing the relevant sections of this movement document You are stating that You understand the following: Failure to include the name of the owner of the animals will mean that this document does not meet WATEO/WATWO requirements.
4. This process serves as a single movement reporting process. Each stage of a multiple move must be completed on a separate movement process
5. The three Yes/No questions in Section D should only be completed if the move involves premises which are part of a farm assured scheme.
Data Protection Act – Fair Processing Notice
For information on data protection and how your personal data is used and protected please read the Livestock Information Service Privacy Notice. Livestock Information Ltd is responsible for delivering Defra’s statutory livestock traceability requirement and is a subsidiary of The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).
The standing movements regime
Pigs have to remain under standstill for 6 days where cattle, sheep and goats have been moved on to a holding. Where pigs have moved on to a holding, existing pigs must remain under standstill for 20 days. This is a disease damping measure designed to slow down the rate of spread of undetected disease and thus reduce the size (and hence the cost) of disease outbreaks. Movements of animals are monitored through the Animal Movements Licensing System (AMLS) which is managed by the British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS). The Disease Control (England and Wales) Order 2003 (as amended) is the domestic legislation setting out the law behind the regime.
Keepers/businesses without access to a computer/internet:
To comply with legislation keepers/businesses using the eAML2 bureau service/third party service and not the online service must keep a copy of the Haulier Summary movement document for their records and inspection purposes.
Terms and Conditions for the eAML2 online and Bureau Service
1. 'We', 'Us', 'Our' refers to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), of Middlemarch Business Park, Siskin Parkway East, Coventry, CV3 4PE.
2. 'You', 'Yours' refers to a keeper of pigs registered with Us as such and, in the case of a partnership, refers jointly and severally to each of the partners.
3. 'Security details' means the user login and password provided by Us to You relating to the Service.
4. 'Service' means eAML2.
5. 'Bureau Service’ means the provision of services by AHDB as part of the Service. The Bureau Service may be contacted by phone: 0844 335 8400, or email: eaml2@ahdb.org.uk (Operating hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm).
1. You are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions the first time you use this Service and to have accepted these terms and conditions as they may have been amended each subsequent time You use this Service.
2. If these terms and conditions change in any way, You will be informed when you log into the service.
It is Your responsibility to review these terms and conditions to ensure that You are always aware of what information is collected, how it is used and under what circumstances it may be shared with other parties.
3. You authorise Us to accept and act on Your instructions.
4. You are responsible for all information sent to Us by You or by any person acting or purporting to act for You. We are not responsible for and have not checked the information provided by any third party group on Your behalf, which is reproduced in good faith. No warranty is given in respect thereof and to the maximum extent permitted by law We accept no liability for loss, damage or injury howsoever caused (including that caused by negligence) or suffered directly or indirectly in relation to such information.
5. It is Your responsibility to ensure that any feedback reports such as the Food Standards Agency Collection and Communication of Inspection Results (CCIR) feedback are passed to You by any person acting on Your behalf.
1. You must keep Your Security details safe.
2. You must not share Your Security details with anyone else, unless You give them permission to act on Your behalf.
3. If You authorise someone to act on Your behalf, You are responsible for the information and instructions they send to us.
4. If You think any person knows Your Security details without Your permission, You must tell us immediately. We will cancel those Security details and send You new Security details as soon as reasonably practicable. You will remain responsible for any use of the previous Security details until they are cancelled.
Availability of the service
1. We will provide the Service to You, but We may change, suspend or restrict the Service for maintenance purposes or for enhancing the services or for any other reason. Subject to the operation of law We will not be liable for any failure for any reason (including Our negligence) to provide the Service in part or in full.
2. We will try to advise users of the Service of any intended disruption to the Service by placing information on Our website.
Operation of the eAML2 Service
We aim to process all applications for access to the Service within 2 working days.
Information will be provided promptly in an electronic format to the specified destination.
You will be required to print a summary of all of the information you provide to give to your haulier. You are strongly advised to save a copy of this information.
If you realise you have made a mistake in any information you can correct it via the online system at any time before the day of the movement or by contacting us during Our operating hours. If the movement has already been notified to the destination you must contact us as soon as possible by email, phone. You must give us details of the information you sent, and the correct information. We will correct it on eAML2 as soon as practicable
Required movement feedback to the Bureau Service:
1. Sending site: feedback confirming the exact numbers of animals and the details of the transporting vehicle must be provided via SMS (text message. on the day of the movement. If you do not manage to confirm this information by SMS you must return to the eAML2 website or contact the Bureau Service to provide the required information.
2. Receiving site: feedback confirming the numbers of animals received alive and dead at the time of arrival must be provided within three days of arrival at the receiving site via SMS, the eAML2 website or by otherwise contacting the Bureau Service.
Once all of the movements’ information has been confirmed it will be automatically submitted to AMLS daily. Any unconfirmed movements will automatically enter an escalation process involving Your local authority, which may lead to You being blocked from using the eAML2 system. Any data or enforcement issues arising from the information you provide will be followed up directly by Your local trading standards officers.
Downloading information
1. We authorise You to download Your own information for Your own use.
Uploading information
1. We authorise You to upload information in order to register movements and Food Chain Information (FCI).
2. We are not responsible for any consequences of any corruption of information prior to its receipt by Us.
Data liability
We are not liable for any information that may become corrupted at any time including during uploading, storage, transfer and downloading or any consequences thereof including as a result of Our negligence.
Your conduct
1. You must use the Service for lawful purposes only.
2. You must not use the Service for any of the following:
· For fraudulent purposes.
· To send information to Us that is obscene, threatening, offensive or defamatory.
Hyperlinking to eAML2
We allow users to set up hyperlinks to this Service. You do not have to ask permission to link directly to these pages.
Intellectual Property
The eAML2 website and the names, images and logos identifying or owned by AHDB, third parties and their information, products and services are copyright of AHDB, and/or third parties. Copying or use of logos accessed via this Service is not permitted without prior approval from the relevant copyright owner. Otherwise than as permitted above, You must not copy, distribute or publish any material taken from it without permission in writing in advance of the copyright owner.